3 Challanges Doctors face with Social Media Marketing

1.Sharing Patient 'Before/After"s Without Revealing PHI
Using social media to promote your patient success stories is a great way to get the word out.
However, take care not to reveal patients' personal information (PHI) in social media posts by accident.
2. Choosing the Right Content to Share
About 80 percent of your social media content should be informative or interesting and 20 percent should be promotional.
Carefully monitor your posts to see what types of content - i.e. pictures, videos, graphics, how-tos - as well as what subjects get the most engagement.
3. Making Time to Share and Interact
Schedule time for social media marketing activities on your calendar. According to Clutch, 52 percent of small businesses post on social media at least once a week. Delegate this task to an outside social media partner if you want to get professional view.